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If you haven’t thought of hiring a photographer to come on your trips or to your parties, I highly suggest hiring me to do so! Let me capture the memories so that you can be completely present and enjoy every second! Wow….I mean I have to start off with that, WOW. What a magical experience […]

Temecula California

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Oh Cancun Mexico, you set high standards for my 29th year of life. I sit here trying to find words to describe this birthday trip and the word that keep coming to mind is, magical. The trip was pure magic. It was 4 days of fun, peace, of deep conversation, inner work, and powerful energy. […]

Cancun Mexico

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Our family vacation last year was filled with so much fun! Last year we got to go with our best friends the Myers family to Tennessee! We feel so so so blessed to have friend who turned into family and now neighbors! We share kids, honestly! Lenora thinks she has three moms (me, bonus, and […]

Gatlinburg Tennessee


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