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When your office is in your home, sometimes it’s good for the soul to adventure out to find different work spaces. Last year I ventured to Elm City Roastery in Jacksonville Illinois. The environment is cool and different but you have probably seen that on my story if you follow my instagram! What keeps bringing […]

Elm City Roastery, Jacksonville IL

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If you haven’t thought of hiring a photographer to come on your trips or to your parties, I highly suggest hiring me to do so! Let me capture the memories so that you can be completely present and enjoy every second! Wow….I mean I have to start off with that, WOW. What a magical experience […]

Temecula California

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Oh Cancun Mexico, you set high standards for my 29th year of life. I sit here trying to find words to describe this birthday trip and the word that keep coming to mind is, magical. The trip was pure magic. It was 4 days of fun, peace, of deep conversation, inner work, and powerful energy. […]

Cancun Mexico

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Our family vacation last year was filled with so much fun! Last year we got to go with our best friends the Myers family to Tennessee! We feel so so so blessed to have friend who turned into family and now neighbors! We share kids, honestly! Lenora thinks she has three moms (me, bonus, and […]

Gatlinburg Tennessee

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Officially need two hand to count your age June girl! Six whole years! Birthdays are a big deal around this house, another year of this life is something I will never take for granted! I love watching you grow, even more I love learning from you. I think your strong communication is amazing. I am […]

Lenora is six

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Well my first plan was to go zip lining but then I realized it was closed… Second idea, the beach! He thought I was kidding, I wasn’t! After a couple of days of “Are you serious about the beach?” and a quick text to one of his best friends, we booked the flights for the […]

Jacksonville Florida 2020

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Well ladies and gentlemen it has only taken me over a year to write about my amazing trip! I guess I just wanted to give it some time, so I could relive it again! I attended the 2018 Show It United Conference in Arizona. It was a “yolo” moment trip! It was a sold out […]

Show it United; Tempe Arizona

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Tacos and margaritas?! YES PLEASE! What a fun way to celebrate Jennifer before her wedding this September! Wow, time has been flying by this year! Anyone who knows Jenny knows that taco and tequila theme is the perfect fit because she loves both!  Jennifer looked amazing in her white dress and it gave us a […]

Beardstown, IL; Bridal Shower

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Lenora, named after some pretty strong women. This could be my longest blog ever because I could go on forever telling you how amazing and smart this amazing little person is but I will keep it as short as I can 😉 Lets start from the beginning shall we? I just had a feeling I […]

A little about June

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Hello all! I am so excited! So excited for many reasons, first being this is my first blog about myself and second this is my first blog on my new website (that I have been working on for months)! My Photography journey starts 20 years ago…yes I am only 25 and it started 20 years […]

My Photography Journey


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