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I had such a great time getting to know Julissa and her two cousins at her senior session! Julissa is so gorgeous and she made that field look amazing! She probably only thought I was a little crazy with some of the “poses” I had her do, yet she killed them every time! I loved […]

Julissa Senior session

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Les has such a light about her! I can tell her confidence is fierce and her soul is so sweet! I had an opening so we moved her session up so that we could get those gorgeous fall colors, I am so glad we did! She chose the best outfits for her session that not […]

Les senior session

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I spent around 2 hours with Carly and could tell she has such a caring and calming energy. Carly has the best hair ever and a contagious smile! I am obsessing over how fun and playful her hair makes these photos! It adds so much movement and I love that! I got the best photos […]

Carly Senior Portraits

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I am so glad Maddy and her family didn’t think I was crazy when I took them to a random house to do her senior portraits… this is normal Brittany move, if we are being honest! I was on my way to meet them when I seen this gorgeous tree and awesome tall grass. I […]

Maddy Senior Portraits

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Wade is always such a trooper when his mama makes him hang out with me haha Usually its is just family photos so he doesn’t have to do much solo, this time it was a double dose, family pictures and then his senior session. As much as I know he doesn’t like getting his pictures […]

Wade senior portraits

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I was so excited to get to spend the evening with Micah and Kris (Micah’s mom)! I was lucky to have just seen them a couple months ago when I was shooting Micah’s sisters wedding! We started out at the gorgeous Botanical Garden in Washington park. Of course I was awing over all of her […]

Micah’s Springfield senior session

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These were all so much fun to do! I always enjoy getting to mingle with young adults, I learn something new every time! Each one of these sessions were unique just like each of these souls are! They will each grow this world in incredible ways and I am so excited to see their future […]

2020 Student celebration minis

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17 years ago I finally received my real life baby doll. He was perfect! Bradley was the best baby ever. He still is! He has always been so well behaved, smart, handsome, fun, and always helpful! I could go on for days about how great he is but you get the picture! 😉 I have […]

Beardstown Il, Bradley Walters

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I can not even believe that I am even old enough to be doing this beautiful ladies SENIOR photos!  It seems just like yesterday her sister and I were running away from her and trying to “play by ourselves”! haha It is just unreal that she has become this smart, responsible, and gorgeous senior girl! […]

Springfield Illinois; Allyson


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