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Ok, Ok these two are the cutest! They were pros at this session! They were so natural with each other and wow are they in love! I loved how playful they were together and how Ted looked at Ronda like she was the most gorgeous person on the Earth, which she is a babe! They […]

Ted & Ronda Anniversary

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I believe this is one of the best gifts anyone could give! A grandparent session! Here is way I say “gift” and here is my reasoning for it. In my experience, Grandparents don’t like to be photographed…. none of us really do but especially grandparents. They have every excuse in the book to not get […]


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Talk about a fierce women raising two fierce girls! Harper and Hallie turned into models at their session! They had so much fun swirling in their gorgeous dresses and posing! I am so glad they made the choice to do the a.m session because the lighting was perfect! I feel like its easy to see […]

Elissa & the girls

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The Hayes family were so much fun to work with at their session! Their personalities are so lively and bright! The gorgeous flowers at Washington park were a perfect reflection of their personalities! My favorite part of my experience with the Hayes family was reading Robins responses to my “get to know you” questionnaire. I […]

Hayes Family

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It is hard to believe that this healthy one year old was such a tiny tiny preemie, only a year ago! She has such a sweet sensitive soul! I have loved getting to know her awesome parents over the year. I can’t believe that right after I took their maternity photos, they entered the hospital […]

Sadie Girl is one

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I loved meeting this sweet family! Steven and Abbie are a huge blessing to the Beardstown/Cass county community. Their amazing souls care for fragile hearts for a living at Colwell Memorial home. Their clients become their friends and they treat them with care and respect in some of the hardest times of their lives. I […]

Colwell Family

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We didn’t let the bright sun or wind stop us from getting gorgeous photos of Rachel and Gus! Gus is so so sweet and has the cutest little grin! Of course his Mama Rachel looked absolutely stunning! I was a little nervous with the wind that picked up but it actually worked in our favor, […]

Rachel & Gus

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Oh how I love the sunflowers! That yellow just makes me full of energy yet calm at the same time! This was my first year from sunflower minis and it was a hit. I only do sunflower sessions when the sun is going down because that’s when they get really dreamy! It was worth the […]

2020 Sunflower field

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Well at first I was bummed that Covid ruined Eliza’s One year old session but now I am ok with it! These turned out so amazing, even though I know Kate was probably freaking out thinking we didn’t get any good ones! haha Eliza was on the run the whole time, and she is FAST! […]

Kate & Eliza

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I met the Mehaffy family at the covered bridge in Springfield, which is a hot spot for photos. I was thinking a Thursday wouldn’t be so busy but I was wrong, definitely a popular spot, which I see why! After talking to Andrea and Mike for a minute they had mentioned they weren’t able to […]

Mehaffy Family


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