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Officially need two hand to count your age June girl! Six whole years! Birthdays are a big deal around this house, another year of this life is something I will never take for granted! I love watching you grow, even more I love learning from you. I think your strong communication is amazing. I am […]

Lenora is six

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Well at first I was bummed that Covid ruined Eliza’s One year old session but now I am ok with it! These turned out so amazing, even though I know Kate was probably freaking out thinking we didn’t get any good ones! haha Eliza was on the run the whole time, and she is FAST! […]

Kate & Eliza

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I met the Mehaffy family at the covered bridge in Springfield, which is a hot spot for photos. I was thinking a Thursday wouldn’t be so busy but I was wrong, definitely a popular spot, which I see why! After talking to Andrea and Mike for a minute they had mentioned they weren’t able to […]

Mehaffy Family

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I would be lying if I said I wasn’t nervous for this session… ok, honestly I am nervous at ever session I have! I do a pep talk/prayer with myself in the car before every session! But this one I was a little extra nervous because Tori is also a photographer (TLC Photography). I felt […]

Capps Family

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I always probably look so silly when I see my awesome clients show up in such cute outfits that they used my style guide to choose because I have the cheesiest smile on my face! But outfits can honestly make or break a session so when I see them with soft colors on I know […]

Barrera Family

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I was so excited to get to spend the evening with Micah and Kris (Micah’s mom)! I was lucky to have just seen them a couple months ago when I was shooting Micah’s sisters wedding! We started out at the gorgeous Botanical Garden in Washington park. Of course I was awing over all of her […]

Micah’s Springfield senior session

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Well my first plan was to go zip lining but then I realized it was closed… Second idea, the beach! He thought I was kidding, I wasn’t! After a couple of days of “Are you serious about the beach?” and a quick text to one of his best friends, we booked the flights for the […]

Jacksonville Florida 2020

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These were all so much fun to do! I always enjoy getting to mingle with young adults, I learn something new every time! Each one of these sessions were unique just like each of these souls are! They will each grow this world in incredible ways and I am so excited to see their future […]

2020 Student celebration minis

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The Covid-19 may have postponed their original plans of a big wedding with all of their family and friends gathered around, but it didn’t stop them from confirming their commitment to one another on the original day! I loved that they were able to be surrounded by (most) their immediate families. It was so sweet […]

Panther Creek New Beginnings Church/ Regan & Reed

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These are my favorite minis each year! I absolutely love getting to capture the love of mothers with their kids and grandkids! Moms take LOTS of pictures of their kids but rarely do they get a picture with their kids and even more rare do they get to get dressed up and feel cute in […]

Triple Creek Greenhouse, Mothers Day


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